EngagedMD feature updates

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July 18, 2024

“Assigned By” filter added on the “Assignments” page

The “Assignments” page has been enhanced with the addition of a filter for the “Assigned By” column.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
“Assigned By” filter added on the “Assignments” page
July 18, 2024

Unpublishing or unmapping a form no longer automatically removes it from a bundle

Whenever a form is unpublished manually or unmapped due to changes in form configuration, the form will no longer be automatically removed from the bundle it is a part of but can not be assigned by a staff user.

Assignment Functionality
Unpublishing or unmapping a form no longer automatically removes it from a bundle
July 8, 2024

Assignment due date reminder emails available to be sent

If a due date is present for an assignment and clinics choose to turn on the reminder emails for assignments, email reminders will be automatically sent seven days and two days before the assignment due date to patients.

Assignment Functionality
Assignment due date reminder emails available to be sent
July 8, 2024

Enhancements to search and sorting on the “Episode” page

The “Episode” page has been enhanced to give staff a more helpful way to search quickly. “Assigned On” and “Assigned By” columns have been added and “Assignment Name”, “Due Date”, “Status”, “Assigned On”, and “Assigned By” are now sortable.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
Enhancements to search and sorting on the “Episode” page
July 8, 2024

Assignment email notification updates

When a patient is assigned one or more tasks (modules, forms, etc.) in a single assignment flow workflow, they will receive a single email notification capturing all of those assignments.

Assignment Functionality
Assignment email notification updates
July 8, 2024

IDV and SMS authorization failure views limited by signing permissions

Changes have been made to who and where IDV and SMS authentication failures can be viewed in order to decrease clutter and increase efficiency.

eSign Functionality
IDV and SMS authorization failure views limited by signing permissions
July 8, 2024

Foreign subtitles available for MedReady

Any clinic using MedReady modules can access video subtitles in foreign languages.

Assignment Functionality
Foreign subtitles available for MedReady
July 8, 2024

Forms and modules can be filtered on the “Episode” page

A filter for forms and modules has been added on the “Episode” page.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
Forms and modules can be filtered on the “Episode” page
June 24, 2024

“My Tasks” sign workflow directs staff to download PDF

When staff users click “sign” on the “My Tasks” page and complete their signing order, they will be redirected to the form detail drawer for the form they just signed in order to download the completed PDF.

eSign Functionality
“My Tasks” sign workflow directs staff to download PDF
June 24, 2024

Staff can map a carbon copy recipient to a specific role in the assignment workflow

Staff admins will be able to map a carbon copy (CC) recipient to a specific role (i.e., clinical reviewer) and then select a specific user on the assignment workflow.

Assignment Functionality
Staff can map a carbon copy recipient to a specific role in the assignment workflow
June 24, 2024

“Form Description” has been removed from the patient view

Form descriptions on the form detail page are no longer visible to the patient.

Assignment Functionality
“Form Description” has been removed from the patient view
June 24, 2024

MedReady module search improves

When searching for MedReady modules in the assignment workflow, typing in keywords will search both the module title and description of the module, and match results only if all terms in the search query match.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
MedReady module search improves
June 24, 2024

Signing order resets when markup is used

When markup is used, the progress status and the assignment status reset to “Waiting” and “Assigned” respectively. The timestamp in the progress section of the form detail drawer also updates with each markup completion.

eSign Functionality
Signing order resets when markup is used
June 24, 2024

Updates in form configurations no longer cause unpublishing

Forms are no longer unpublished if there are changes in the form title, changes in role mapping, changes in description, changes of text boxes/signatures, or changes of signing order number.

Assignment Functionality
Updates in form configurations no longer cause unpublishing
June 24, 2024

“All patients” page is now sortable and searchable

The “All Patients” page is now sortable by Patient “Name”, “Email”, and “Date Created” columns. The page is also searchable across the Patient “Name”, Patient ID, and “Email” columns.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
“All patients” page is now sortable and searchable
June 24, 2024

“+ Add” button indicates a related patient/care team added to “Episode”

The “+ Add” button location under “Episode” has been updated to clearly indicate that a related patient/care team member is being added.

Assignment Functionality
“+ Add” button indicates a related patient/care team added to “Episode”
June 24, 2024

A timestamp logs reminders

When a manual or automated reminder is sent to the signer, the timestamp on the assignment detail drawer will update and log the reminder.

Assignment Functionality
A timestamp logs reminders
June 24, 2024

“Assignment Settings” updated to show signers are selectable and editable

The “Assignment Settings” screen has been updated to clarify that signers are selectable and editable in the “Form Settings” as well as for individual “Assignments”.

Assignment Functionality
“Assignment Settings” updated to show signers are selectable and editable
June 24, 2024

Patients’ names spelled out next to initials

Under the “Assignments” tab, instead of just having initials, the patients’ names are spelled out.

Assignment Functionality
Patients’ names spelled out next to initials
June 24, 2024

Voided or declined status for signed forms available in CareXP

The voided or declined status for signed forms is available on the CareXP platform.

eSign Functionality
Voided or declined status for signed forms available in CareXP
June 18, 2024

Frequency of assignment reminder digest emails lowered

Patient reminder emails for open assignments are now set to go out every five days by default, or can be configured to a different number of days (1-30) by the clinic.

Assignment Functionality
Frequency of assignment reminder digest emails lowered
June 10, 2024

Clicking on the patient name takes you to the patient record

When staff are in the assignments drawer, they are able to navigate to the patient record easily by clicking on the patient’s or related patient’s name.

Assignment Functionality
Clicking on the patient name takes you to the patient record
June 10, 2024

Search for bundle keywords when adding assignments

Users can search by keywords for bundles when adding assignments in the assignment workflow, not just by the complete bundle name.

Search for bundle keywords when adding assignments
June 10, 2024

Updates to a signer’s email address apply to future email notifications

When a signer’s email address is updated, the form details drawer will also update with the correct email address for future email notifications.

eSign Functionality
Updates to a signer’s email address apply to future email notifications
June 10, 2024

English subtitles are available for video modules

Patients can toggle on the subtitles icon and select “English” to turn on subtitles while viewing video modules.

eLearn Functionality
English subtitles are available for video modules
June 10, 2024

Assignment list position now remains when users click on assignment details

The assignment grid is not reset in the assignment detail drawer when a user scrolls down, changes pages, or changes signers on “All Assignments”, “Forms to Sign”, and “Assignments Due Soon” sections.

Assignment Functionality
Assignment list position now remains when users click on assignment details
June 10, 2024

Bundles can be archived

Bundles can be successfully archived.

Bundles can be archived
June 10, 2024

All assignments page filters will remain

Chosen filters will remain on the “Assignments” page as the user navigates through individual assignments across all three tabs: “ Forms to Sign”, “All Assignments” and “Assignments Due Soon.”

Assignment Functionality
All assignments page filters will remain
June 10, 2024

User receives “Reset your password” email when email address uses uppercase upon request

An email address that uses an uppercase letter now receives the “Reset your password” notification via email upon request.

Assignment Functionality
User receives “Reset your password” email when email address uses uppercase upon request
June 10, 2024

The sign button only appears in staff user’s signing order

The sign button only displays when it is the staff member’s turn to sign.

eSign Functionality
The sign button only appears in staff user’s signing order
May 23, 2024

“My Tasks” functionality improvements

The assignments in the “My Tasks” section are now clickable allowing the staff user to complete various actions right on this screen (e.g., sign, remind, download, void, refresh).

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
“My Tasks” functionality improvements
May 23, 2024

“Completed form” email redirects to completed form PDF

When an individual in the signing order clicks on the “View form” link in the “Completed form” email, they will be redirected to the PDF of the completed form in a new tab within the browser.

eSign Functionality
“Completed form” email redirects to completed form PDF
May 23, 2024

Only active staff can be assigned a form to sign

When going to assign a form, now only active staff members are visible in the dropdown menu on the forms details drawer.

eSign Functionality
Only active staff can be assigned a form to sign
May 23, 2024

“IDV” and “Blocked By” icons highlight when assignment is active

The advanced ID verification (“IDV”) authentication and “Blocked By” icons now display in green color when a form assignment is set to active.

Assignment Functionality
“IDV” and “Blocked By” icons highlight when assignment is active
May 23, 2024

“Remind” button displays success notifications

When the user clicks on the “Remind” button within the assignment detail drawer, there is now a success notification that displays and the “Remind” button becomes temporarily unactionable.

Assignment Functionality
“Remind” button displays success notifications
May 23, 2024

Sort by due date on the episode of care assignment list

Clicking the sort button on the due date column now sorts the assignments by “Due Date” on the “Episode” page.

Assignment Functionality
Sort by due date on the episode of care assignment list
May 23, 2024

Non-admins no longer able to access “Create Bundle” and “Edit Bundle” workflows

For non-admin users, the “create” button and “edit” button within the Bundles section in the library are now hidden.

Non-admins no longer able to access “Create Bundle” and “Edit Bundle” workflows
May 17, 2024

Mark up feature allowed for use

Signers can make edits using the markup feature. Email notifications will be sent to signers who need to review and respond to the mark up changes.

eSign Functionality
Mark up feature allowed for use
May 8, 2024

“Forms to Sign” page improved search and filter functionality

Clinic staff now have an enhanced search bar and filtering functionality on the “Forms to Sign” page to improve access to the information needed.

eSign Functionality
“Forms to Sign” page improved search and filter functionality
May 8, 2024

Email notifications sent when an individual declines to sign a form

All participants who are before the signer who declined the assignment will be notified via email that the form is declined.

Assignment Functionality
Email notifications sent when an individual declines to sign a form
May 8, 2024

Email notifications sent when a form is voided

Individuals in the signing order will be notified via email when a form is voided.

Assignment Functionality
Email notifications sent when a form is voided
May 8, 2024

All assigned forms viewable in a combined envelope

The combined envelope lists all forms the patient needs to review.

eSign Functionality
All assigned forms viewable in a combined envelope
May 8, 2024

Knowledge checkpoint report available to staff as PDF download

Clinic staff can now download a report in PDF format that shows how patients answered knowledge checkpoint questions.

eLearn Functionality
Knowledge checkpoint report available to staff as PDF download
April 24, 2024

Patient report available to staff for quizzes/knowledge checkpoints

A report is now available within the Care Experience platform to staff users that displays how patients answered knowledge checkpoint questions.

eLearn Functionality
Patient report available to staff for quizzes/knowledge checkpoints
April 11, 2024

Completed envelope PDF now feature certificates of completion

If an envelope generates a certificate of completion, that certificate page will be included in the PDF generated from EngagedMD.

eSign Functionality
Completed envelope PDF now feature certificates of completion
April 11, 2024

Fields now pre-populate information for signers who are later in the signing order

When signing forms, if information on the form needs to have demographic information around people who have not yet come up in the signing order, we can now pull that information to pre-populate it earlier in the signing process.

eSign Functionality
Fields now pre-populate information for signers who are later in the signing order
April 11, 2024

Staff ability to unblock forms for patients with incomplete associated modules

Staff users now have the ability to manually unlock a form assigned to a patient despite an incomplete module being associated to said form. This allows the patient to sign a form that was originally blocked by an incomplete module at a staff user’s discretion.

eSign Functionality
Staff ability to unblock forms for patients with incomplete associated modules
April 11, 2024

Patient-facing update to drive compliance clarifies why forms are locked

Patient portals can now easily access high level information on why their form is locked.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
Patient-facing update to drive compliance clarifies why forms are locked
April 11, 2024

In-platform access to staff training videos

Staff users can access tutorial videos from both their portal home page and tasks page. 

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
In-platform access to staff training videos
April 11, 2024

All assignments now require a doctor on record

In order to assign a module, form or bundle to a patient, the system will require a doctor on record for the episode.

Assignment Functionality
All assignments now require a doctor on record
April 11, 2024

Bundling is now available to eLearn-only practices

Bundles can now be set up in practices who have only eLearn enabled.

eLearn Functionality
Bundling is now available to eLearn-only practices
March 28, 2024

Ability to select and default advanced authentication options for a practice

Through EngagedMD Admin, we can now limit which advanced authentication options are available for use in a practice.

eSign Functionality
Ability to select and default advanced authentication options for a practice
March 28, 2024

Changes to search behavior for forms, modules and bundles libraries

Searching will look for any titles that contain the full text entered in the search bar, rather than searching for any titles that contain any of the words entered in the search bar.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
Changes to search behavior for forms, modules and bundles libraries
March 21, 2024

Defaulting signers for forms when possible

When assigning forms, your EngagedMD portal will now default patients and staff users into the “Form Settings” section when there is a predictable way to identify the right user.

eSign Functionality
Defaulting signers for forms when possible
March 21, 2024

Updates to email notification on relevant assignments

Patient email notifications will cease on irrelevant or 30+ day old assignments. Staff will be notified on form assignment notice only when relevant to them for signature.

Assignment Functionality
Updates to email notification on relevant assignments
March 21, 2024

The ability to order and reorder items in a bundle

Staff admins can now set up a bundle to have a defined order of activities and reorder those activities using a drag and drop action.

The ability to order and reorder items in a bundle
March 21, 2024

Filter through assignments due soon by due date range, name, and assigned patient

Staff can access a list of assignments in their practice that are due soon. They can specify and filter by a range of due dates, assignment name and who the patient who is assigned the task

Assignment Functionality
Filter through assignments due soon by due date range, name, and assigned patient
March 21, 2024

Carbon copy recipient enabled

Staff can add a carbon copy (CC) email address for a recipient who does not need to sign but should receive a copy of the form when signing is completed.

eSign Functionality
Carbon copy recipient enabled
March 18, 2024

Insights for staff to track when form steps were completed

When someone in the signing order completes their required step, the right hand panel with form details will now show when that event took place.

eSign Functionality
Insights for staff to track when form steps were completed
March 18, 2024

The ability to download and view in-progress forms

You can now download PDF files of in-progress forms.

eSign Functionality
The ability to download and view in-progress forms
March 14, 2024

Admins can select default IDV at the form template level

When an admin is creating a form, they can now specify what authentication level that form should require for all assignments.

eSign Functionality
Admins can select default IDV at the form template level
March 14, 2024

Added a popup to warn about the impacts of archiving bundles

Users will now see a confirmation warning before archiving bundles.

Added a popup to warn about the impacts of archiving bundles
March 8, 2024

Sender name on patient emails is now practice name

Patient-facing emails will still come from noreply@engagedmd.com, with the practice name as the sender instead of “EngagedMD”.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
Sender name on patient emails is now practice name
March 6, 2024

Bundle overview and improvements

A bundle is a pre-configured group of Modules & Forms that can be assigned in one click. Users can now edit existing bundles and order bundle activities.

Bundle overview and improvements
March 6, 2024

Alphabetized lists

All dropdowns and lists in the assignment workflow will be sorted alphabetically to help reduce user confusion.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
Alphabetized lists
March 1, 2024

Updated icons to more clearly reflect user’s choices for eSign

The EngagedMD Care Experience platform now features updated icons to more clearly reflect user’s choices for eSign.

eSign Functionality
Updated icons to more clearly reflect user’s choices for eSign
February 29, 2024

Find forms waiting on other staff members

Clinic users can now search through forms waiting on other staff members.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
Find forms waiting on other staff members
February 29, 2024

Clinic user accounts: “Nurses” are now “Staff’

Clinic accounts formerly categorized as “nurses” will now be referred to as “staff” within the EngagedMD platform.

Search, Support, & Patient Navigation
Clinic user accounts: “Nurses” are now “Staff’

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