EngagedMD Platform Updates
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IUI module accessible in Spanish
The Low-Tech Fertility Treatment and IUI module is available with Spanish subtitles and includes translated knowledge checkpoint questions. This empowers more patients with the standard information needed and saves more time for care teams. To add this to your library, please reach out to customersuccess@engagedmd.com and your Customer Success Manager will be in touch with next steps. To learn more about the modules we offer, click here.

Tasks due “Today” shown within the patient checklist
Within the “Today” section, patients will see tasks with due dates on the date the checklist is viewed and those that are overdue as of that date. This helps the patients further prioritize what needs to get done for the treatment process. Patients can still view tasks due in the “Next 7 days” and “Additional Tasks” - those with no due date or due beyond 7 days. To learn more about the Checklist homepage, reference this article.

Forms can be previewed before adding as an assignment
When assigning forms to patients, staff can preview any form by selecting the preview icon. This is helpful to staff to ensure they are assigning the intended form. Staff can also view and select the required signers (e.g., doctor, nurse) for each form being assigned. To learn more about assigning a form to a patient, click here.

Additional locked screen for related patients
When a patient is accessing a Sign task that is being blocked due to a related patient needing to complete a Learn task, a notification will inform them that the task is “Waiting for related patients”. To learn more about locked screens, reference the “Complete Locked Assignments” section of the Checklist Homepage Overview in this article.

Reassigning assignments to a different staff member
Staff admin members can reassign form assignments to another staff member prior to inactivating a staff member or when a staff member will be out of office. This functionality is available on the staff portal within Admin > Users. To learn more about the reassignment workflow click here.
Patient record UI and functionality
The patient record UI look and feel within the EngagedMD staff portal has been updated. The updated patient record UI allows for staff to centrally view and manage patient demographic information, assignments, episodes, related patients, and care team. To learn more about finding patient information, click here.

Patients view assignments in a checklist
EngagedMD has updated the look and feel of the platform’s patient interface. This update offers an enhanced way for patients to experience the care journey. Patient tasks, such as eLearn modules and eSign forms, that they need to accomplish are shown and tracked within the checklist. To learn more about the checklist, view the Checklist homepage overview section in this article.
“Assigned By” filter added on the “Assignments” page
The “Assignments” page has been enhanced with the addition of a filter for the “Assigned By” column.

Assignment email notification updates
When a patient is assigned one or more tasks (modules, forms, etc.) in a single assignment flow workflow, they will receive a single email notification capturing all of those assignments.

Assignment due date reminder emails available to be sent
If a due date is present for an assignment and clinics choose to turn on the reminder emails for assignments, email reminders will be automatically sent seven days and two days before the assignment due date to patients.
A timestamp logs reminders
When a manual or automated reminder is sent to the signer, the timestamp on the assignment detail drawer will update and log the reminder.

The sign button only appears in staff user’s signing order
The sign button only displays when it is the staff member’s turn to sign.

English subtitles are available for video modules
Patients can toggle on the subtitles icon and select “English” to turn on subtitles while viewing video modules.

Updates to a signer’s email address apply to future email notifications
When a signer’s email address is updated, the form details drawer will also update with the correct email address for future email notifications.

Staff ability to unblock forms for patients with incomplete associated modules
Staff users now have the ability to manually unlock a form assigned to a patient despite an incomplete module being associated to said form. This allows the patient to sign a form that was originally blocked by an incomplete module at a staff user’s discretion.

Admins can select default IDV at the form template level
When an admin is creating a form, they can now specify what authentication level that form should require for all assignments.
No entries match the filters