If a due date is present for an assignment and clinics choose to turn on the reminder emails for assignments, email reminders will be automatically sent seven days and two days before the assignment due date to patients.  

In the example below, “Assignment Number” will be replaced by the total number of assignments with a due date.  

Email templates have been created to be sent on behalf of the clinic.   Organization logos can be uploaded by staff admin to be included in the email templates. 

Assignment due date reminder emails are off by default until the clinic requests that they be turned on.  Clinics can also set the timing for assignment reminder emails upon request.   Requests for these updates need to be made to the EMD staff by the clinic by contacting support@engagedmd.com

If no due date is present for an assignment, reminder emails won’t be sent, but the assignment will be included in the digest email.  To understand your settings or adjust your preferences, please reach out to customersuccess@engagedmd.com.