In order to assign a module, form or bundle to a patient, the system will require a doctor on record for the episode. Accordingly, there is a new field to select the doctor on record within the “Assignment Settings” view.

Our legacy platform required a doctor for all assignments, and several internal and invoicing processes have been built on metrics around the doctor linked to assignments. Also, while supporting integrated practices on CXP, we have seen that the lack of a doctor negatively impacts how EMRs can map completed forms to patient charts.

On a completely new episode with no care team members on record, staff can still select any type of content to assign. In the case outlined here, a single module:

The application will default doctor information to any doctor assigned to the episode if there is a doctor assigned to the episode. If the staff user gets to the point of finalizing the assignment before a doctor has been recorded, they will not be able to proceed until they make a selection.