EngagedMD Fertility eLearning Content

EngagedMD’s eLearning modules help fertility patients understand the basics of fertility and their treatment journey. And gives your team more time to do what they do best - take great care of patients.

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New Patients

New Patient Consult is Scheduled

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Fertility 101


  1. Welcome!
  2. When to See a Specialist
  3. Next Steps
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  1. Impacts of COVID-19
  2. COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations
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Wellness & Fertility

25 MIN

  1. Intro to Wellness and Fertility
  2. Diet
  3. Preconception and Prenatal
  4. Supplements
  5. Body Fat, Weight, and Exercise
  6. Substances that Affect Fertility
  7. Acupuncture
  8. Mental Health
  9. Next Steps
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Funding Fertility Care

12 MIN

  1. Funding your Fertility Treatment
  2. Insurance Explained
  3. Insurance coverage for Diagnostic Testing
  4. Meeting Criteria for Fertility Benefits
  5. Medication Coverage
  6. Paying for Medication
  7. Special Considerations
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Zika Virus


  1. Exposure to Zika
  2. What is Zika?


The IVF module discusses the fresh embryo transfer process in detail, so we recommend assigning the FET module to patients intending to delay transfer until after retrieval.

New Patient Consult is Completed

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Diagnostic Testing


  1. Intro to Diagnostic Testing
  2. Ovarian Reserve Testing
  3. Uterine Cavity and Fallopian Tube
  4. Testing
  5. Semen Analysis
  6. Next Steps
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Genetic Carrier Screening

10 MIN

  1. Intro to Carrier Screening
  2. How Diseases are Inherited
  3. X-Linked Conditions
  4. How Carrier Screening Works
  5. Options for High Risk Results
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  1. Introduction to Hysteroscopy
  2. Before the Procedure
  3. During the Procedure
  4. After the Procedure
  5. Potential Risks and Complications
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Intravenous Sedation


  1. Introduction to IV Sedation
  2. Before IV Sedation
  3. Procedure and Recovery
  4. Risks and Potential Complications of IV Sedation
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


  1. Introduction to PCOS
  2. Symptoms and Diagnosis of PCOS
  3. Lifestyle Considerations
  4. Fertility Treatment Options
  5. Comorbidities of PCOS
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Diminished Ovarian Reserve


  1. Introduction to Diminished Ovarian Reserve
  2. Symptoms and Diagnosis of DOR
  3. Treatment of DOR


The IVF module discusses the fresh embryo transfer process in detail, so we recommend assigning the FET module to patients intending to delay transfer until after retrieval.

Treatment Plans

Treatment Plan is Determined as IVF

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In Vitro Fertilization

We also offer a version of the IVF module designed for freeze-all cycles

46 MIN

  1. Intro to IVF
  2. The Menstrual Cycle
  3. Controlled Ovarian Stimulation – The Process
  4. Controlled Ovarian Stimulation – The Drugs
  5. Risks from Fertility Medication
  6. Egg Retrieval
  7. Egg Retrieval Risks
  8. Fertilization
  9. Embryo Development
  10. Typical Progression of Eggs and Embryos
  11. Assisted Hatching
  12. Laboratory Risks
  13. Support of the Uterine Lining for Fresh Transfers
  14. Embryo Transfer
  15. Number of Embryos to Transfer
  16. Risks of Multiple Pregnancy
  17. Pregnancy Risk and Health of an IVF Baby
  18. IVF Conclusion

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13 MIN

  1. PGT-A Introduction
  2. Embryo Biopsy
  3. PGT-A Analysis
  4. Embryo Transfer
  5. Mosaicism (Options for clinics that do transfer mosaic embryos, and for clinics that do not)

Patient is Preparing for an FET

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Frozen Embryo Transfer

12 MIN

  1. FET Introduction
  2. The Menstrual Cycle
  3. Support of the Uterine Lining for an FET
  4. Frozen Embryo Transfer
  5. Number of Embryos to Transfer6. FET Conclusion


The IVF module discusses the fresh embryo transfer process in detail, so we recommend assigning the FET module to patients intending to delay transfer until after retrieval.

Treatment Plan is Determined as IUI

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Low Tech Treatment & IUI

24 MIN

  1. Intro to LTT & IUI
  2. The Menstrual Cycle
  3. The Need for Low Tech Treatment
  4. Drugs and Protocols
  5. Treatment Risks and Side Effects from Fertility Drugs
  6. Sperm Selection for IUI
  7. Intrauterine Insemination
  8. Success Rates Using LTT
  9. Pregnancy Risks
  10. Risks of Multiple Pregnancy
  11. Conclusion

Patient is Considering Egg Freezing

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Egg Freezing

30 MIN

  1. Introduction
  2. Deciding to Freeze your Eggs
  3. The Menstrual Cycle
  4. Controlled Ovarian Stimulation – The Process
  5. Controlled Ovarian Stimulation – The Drugs
  6. Risk from Fertility Medications
  7. Egg Retrieval
  8. Egg Retrieval – The Risks
  9. Cryopreservation
  10. Laboratory Risks
  11. Using Your Frozen Eggs
  12. Conclusion

Patient is Considering Discontinuing Storage of Frozen Eggs, Sperm, or Embryos

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Discontinuing Storage of Your Frozen Specimen


  1. Introduction
  2. The Process

Third Party Reproduction

Prospective Egg Donor’s Application Has Been Approved

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Becoming an Egg Donor

12 MIN

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Donate Your Eggs
  3. Screening for Potential Egg Donors
  4. Matching with Your Recipient
  5. The Egg Donation Process
  6. Rights and Responsibilities of an Egg Donor
  7. Next Steps

Prospective Egg Donor has Scheduled an Initial Consult

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Egg Donation

26 MIN

  1. Introduction
  2. The Natural Menstrual Cycle
  3. Controlled Ovarian Stimulation: The Process
  4. Controlled Ovarian Stimulation: The Drugs & Protocols
  5. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
  6. Cancer Risks from Fertility Drugs
  7. Egg Retrieval
  8. Egg Retrieval: The Risks
  9. After Donation
  10. Rights and Responsibilities
  11. Conclusion

Patient is Considering IVF with Donor Eggs

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IVF with Donor Eggs

37 MIN

  1. Introduction
  2. Natural Menstrual Cycle
  3. Fresh vs Frozen Eggs
  4. Screening of the Donor
  5. The Process for your Donor
  6. Fertilization
  7. Embryo Development
  8. Attrition in Development
  9. Lab Risks
  10. Assisted Hatching
  11. Endometrial Preparation
  12. Embryo Transfer
  13. Number of Embryos to Transfer
  14. Cryopreservation
  15. Pregnancy Risks
  16. Risks of Multiple Pregnancy
  17. Conclusion

MedReady Injection Trainings

Brought to you by EngagedMD and SMP Pharmacy

smp pharmacy solutions

Unlike basic injection training videos, MedReady’s module-based training gives patients an overview of their entire protocol and then step-by-step instructions for administering each medication. See an example module below.

Sample Module

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MedReady Injection Training: Antagonist Protocol

  1. Antagonist Protocol Overview
  2. Gonal-F Redi-ject Pen
  3. Menopur Q-Cap
  4. Ganirelix Acetate
  5. Pregnyl
  6. Subcutaneous & Intramuscular Injections

Library of Module Sections

Infographic library sections
Protocol-Based Introductions
Antagonist for Donors
Microdose Lupron
Estrogen Priming
Minimal Stimulation
Long Luteal
Gonal-F RFF Redi-ject pen
Gonal-F RFF 75 IU Vial
Gonal-F Multi-Dose Vial
Follistim Pen
Menopur 75 IU (Q-Cap)
Menopur 75 IU (Needle)
Low-dose hCG
Ganirelix Acetate
Microdose Lupron
hCG 10,000 USP Units
Pregnyl 10,000 USP Units
Novarel 5,000 USP Units
Lupron Trigger (Kit)
Lupron Trigger (Prefilled)
Lupron (Supression)
Progesterone in Oil
Omnitrope (HGH)
General Injection Instructions
Subcutaneous injections
Intramuscular injections
Protocol-Based Introductions
Antagonist for Donors
Microdose Lupron
Estrogen Priming
Minimal Stimulation
Long Luteal
General Injection Instructions
Subcutaneous injections
Intramuscular injections
Gonal-F RFF Redi-ject pen
Gonal-F RFF 75 IU Vial
Gonal-F Multi-Dose Vial
Follistim Pen
Menopur 75 IU (Q-Cap)
Menopur 75 IU (Needle)
Low-dose hCG
Ganirelix Acetate
Microdose Lupron
hCG 10,000 USP Units
Pregnyl 10,000 USP Units
Novarel 5,000 USP Units
Lupron Trigger (Kit)
Lupron Trigger (Prefilled)
Lupron (Supression)
Progesterone in Oil
Omnitrope (HGH)
To view the videos and discuss with our team, get in touch.
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